It is not really hard for Kian to be booted out since it was his second chance and still the people still don’t want him to stay in Big Brother’s house. One more thing, it is also very clear that Gee-Ann is so uncomfortable with Kian inside the PBB house and maybe that is why some Gee-Ann fans don’t want Kian to stay longer. It will be so unfair naman siguro for Mickey Perz if he was the one booted out last night, but I still want Kian to stay longer for him to continue wooing Gee-Ann and our PBB watching will be excited as it continue because of the love triangle between Kian, Gee-Ann and and Micke. How about Miggy Morales (Gee-Ann’s Boyfriend) sasali pa ba siya for a love square? (hehehe...)
Gee-Ann’s boyfriend Miggy Morales was present at last night’s eviction in-front of PBB house, to see for himself how Kian went out in the PBB house just to make sure about his baby Gee-Ann.
So sad lang for me is the combination of Nel, Bruce and Kian which only meant more laughter and heckles in the PBB house is now gone.